55 Old St. i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bahrain55 Old St.



🕗 åbningstider

Block 338, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1744 1900
internet side: www.55oldst.com
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Latitude: 26.2154323, Longitude: 50.5920517

kommentar 5

  • en

    Hussain Sharbati


    The place was quite and cozy. Nice food but limited menu selection.

  • Mohamed Abdulrazaq

    Mohamed Abdulrazaq


    Lovely place that has a great atmosphere , friendly staff , and some of the best food Ive ever had . You can’t go wrongs with anything on their menu. One of my favorite things is to have some coffee after my meal in the outside area and people watch the Adliya crowd

  • Moussa Beidas

    Moussa Beidas


    A fantastic hip and modern place with food that makes you want to come back for more. Their coffee is the best I’ve had anywhere in the Middle East. A true gem of a place everyone has to try.

  • May AlKhalifa

    May AlKhalifa


    Amazing breakfast. No where else in Bahrain can you find such a vast and unique variety of breakfast dishes. When my friends visited Bahrain I took them to 55 old st and they were blown away by the pancakes and the Nutella brûlée as well as the avocado toast dishes. Highly highly recommended. The coffee is unreal as well, especially the cardamom latte.

  • Nabil Rashidi

    Nabil Rashidi


    The atmosphere is a contemporary rustic look with concrete floors and exposed brick. The portions are quite small and a pricy. Quality and taste are not bad. Service was good.

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