York's Tailor & Textile i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainYork's Tailor & Textile



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Baréin
kontakter telefon: +973 1721 0406
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2331546, Longitude: 50.5771576

kommentar 5

  • ml

    surath surath


    കാസർഗോഡ് കാഞ്ഞങ്ങാട് ഹദ്ദാദ് നഗർ

  • rony rajan

    rony rajan


    Note: The shop has been shifted inside "YATHEEM CENTRE". York's tailors is one of the best places in bahrain to get a suit that is perfect for you. They have a variety and huge collection of material to choose from at different price ranges. The stitching charges are for a waist coat it's 15 BD, suit is 20 BD & pant is 10 BD(without material charges). The prices are negotiable. The service is very good and the tailors listen to UR suggestions and makes those necessary changes.

  • Varun Gawarikar

    Varun Gawarikar


    What beautiful suits they stitch. Made to perfection. I highly recommend them.

  • en

    Haiqa Faisal


    Best suits. Very comfortable fittings. Love the suits,pants,shirts. Beautiful fabrics. Got appreciated and praised by friends because of your suits. Thanks faisal Hoping to come back soon...

  • Mihal Saeed

    Mihal Saeed


    What separates York's from other tailors in Bahrain? For starters, it is their flexibility and patience. Faisal and his employees are comfortable doing business in English, Arabic, and Hindi, which is an amazing blessing for anyone who has tried to describe a suit style to a tailor who can not speak your language. While York's customers are primarily men, they are just as capable with women clothing. Furthermore, York's does not take short-cuts in making clothing. The small things that make all the difference, like functioning buttons on a suit, hidden convince pockets for mobiles, or extra linings on pants for comfort, are all the rule at York's and not the exception. Most tailors operate out of very small shops that do not accommodate any more than an entry way. Most tailors ask you to take your made clothes home and only return them if you require adjustments. The back and forth can be a hassle and more than a little annoying to have to explain that your suit shoulder "looks funny". This is not a problem at York's. Not only can you try on a piece at any point during its creation, but it's take the time to check that every thing they make fits perfectly before you leave the store.

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