سوق المحرق i Muharraq

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Bahrainسوق المحرق



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شارع الشيخ حمد, Muharraq, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
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Latitude: 26.2516084, Longitude: 50.6124942

kommentar 5

  • en

    Sattar Gafoor


    Traditional place to have some fun.

  • muhammedshabeer kulangara veedu

    muhammedshabeer kulangara veedu


    Traditional old Bahrain market famous for Halwa, sweets and Abaya, many traditional sweet shop you can see in the market, Al of the sweets shops and sweets are well know in Bahrain even the customer coming from Saudi and other GCC nation. Next attraction is spices Shoppes, herbal product selling shops, traditional Arabic cloth stitching centers and Abaya shops etc.. Also a range of garments shops are situated in the market, mobile shops, watch shops, perfumes, sunglasses, fancy materials, stitching materials shops are inside the market, if you have good bargain skill you can save some penny😉. The major drawback for this market is parking, terrific parking situation is there between 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm almost all days.




    It is good market where you will get lot of products for cheap if you bargain well. But big problem here have is always difficulty to find good parking.

  • Widaad Al-Harthy

    Widaad Al-Harthy


    I like shopping here whenever I visit Bahrain .. they got nice choices of abayas and sweets .. as well as traditional stuff .. the only sturggle about this souq is the parkings, very limited parkings yet possible to manage if visited the souq during peak hours.

  • en

    Mahbub Ali


    You get a feel of old traditional bahraini souq. Take care of your car, because roads are narrow and many of the roads are bothway. Get a suitable parking and enjoy walking...

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