Sonder i Sanad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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shop 2418b, Rd No 4571, Al Esteglal Hwy, Sanad 745, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1764 5454
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Latitude: 26.1436606, Longitude: 50.579432

kommentar 5

  • Albert Johns

    Albert Johns


    One of those underground cafes that I've been looking for in Bahrain. Coffee is good. Smoothie too. Ambiance is the best part here. Also they have an amazingly huge collection of board and card games. Go with a group to have a sober yet fun evening.

  • Layla Mohamed

    Layla Mohamed


    Last summer I came to Mahdi with 2 pretty roughed up canon AE1s. I’d taken them to a dozen places and was told they were beyond repair. Mahdi fixed AND glammed them up (😎) for me within my tight time schedule, and only charged for the necessary materials. He is an actual miracle worker and I am so grateful! For his love of cameras and his joyful contagious spirit and most of all, for Sonder. It’s a gem of a space that we all needed.

  • en

    ayman k


    Nice little coffee shop with a style and nice ambience. Light meals offered too. Good place to hangout with friends. Main draw down it is too small.

  • Roshan Valder

    Roshan Valder


    Went there for a Poetry open mic and found it to be a nice trendy cafe with boardgames and art installations and a variety of coffe and snacks. It has two floors, the upper floor turning into a stage for events or can just use to lounge around. Reminded me of a cozy living room. The staff is friendly and very helpful. All in all I had a great time and look forward to visiting again.

  • en

    Khaled Al Qaood


    A cozy and chilled atmosphere that fuses modern and vintage themes appropriately. A delectable array of baked sweets and desserts is available, where the cookies are by far my personal favorite in all of Bahrain. A wide selection of beverages (hot and cold) is also available, with their freshly brewed coffee being my preference, prepared using the effective V60 technique. The setting is wonderfully illuminated with subtle ambient lighting. Plenty of board and card games are at your disposal when with friends. Overall, this is definitely one of my favorite coffee shops to chill at in Bahrain, and with good reason.

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