Shri Krishna Temple i Manama

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BahrainShri Krishna Temple


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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3504 3417
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Latitude: 26.2317959, Longitude: 50.577377

kommentar 5

  • Jagath Krishnakumar

    Jagath Krishnakumar


    Very good for hindu devotees in Bahrain

  • Rajesh Khorava

    Rajesh Khorava


    Jay Shree Nathji , Jay Shree Krishna awesome place, peaceful, Our temple 🙏🏼

  • akshay u k

    akshay u k


    It's beautiful.

  • en

    Dhawal Desai


    Jai Shree Krishna. Feels like home away from home.

  • en

    Ramesh Gajria


    Its a Hindu Temple of Lord Shrinathji also know as Shri Krishna Temple, Manama. The temple is estimated to have been established in around 1817. The temple was established by Thathai Bhatia Hindu Community and is still managed by them. The deity roots originates from Nathdawara in Rajasthan India. It's a Vaishnav sect temple. In 2018 the temple's exterior and interior have been redone & painted in traditional Rajasthani Mewar style of Art as it is done in Havelis/ mansions of that region. Lord Shrinathji's temples are all termed as Havelis, meaning they are living mansions of Lord. The newly renovated temple is a must see place for everyone for its art and decor exhibiting the traditional Indian art The ambience of the place is very nice. Timings of Temple: 🌹*Temple Darshan Timings*🌹 *Mangala 06.00 – 06.20 (Aarti 06.10)* Morning awake up veiw *Shrungar 07.30 – 10.00* Dressed up veiw *Rajbhog 11.00 – 11.30 (Aarti 11.15)* Lunch time view *Utthapan 17.15 – 17.30* (05:15pm to 05:30pm)* Afternoon View *Shayan 18.15 – 20.00 (06:15pm to 08:00pm) (Aarti 18.45 - 06:45pm)* Evening view *Friday & Public Holidays* *Shrungar 07.30 – 10.15 (Paalna Aarti - 09.45)* Dressed view *Rajbhog 11.15 – 12.15 (Aarti – 11.30)* Lunch time view Evening 5.00 Darshan - viewing Last Darshan / viewing 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm ** All other timings same as everyday ** * Holidays and special occasions * * Special timings on special occasion * * For inquiry please call 17270259 or check Notice Board * 💐 ll JAI SHRI KRISHNA ll 💐

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