santhigiri ayurvedic centre, hidd bahrain i hidd,bahrain

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Bahrainsanthigiri ayurvedic centre, hidd bahrain



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middle east medical center. hidd,building 653 ,road 1021,block 110، hidd,bahrain 323, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3683 0777
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.234384, Longitude: 50.652902

kommentar 5

  • Bijitha Baburaj

    Bijitha Baburaj


    Best treatment I ever had. I would recommend ms.sabitha therapist with good attitude and massage.

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    sterned iryne


    first when i heard about herbal system i don"t think it will get treated .But i am so happy to say to those who really suffer from kidney stones and crystals .please visit this doctor amazing treatment and patient relation now i done my ultrasound i wondered when i came to know that my 2 mm stone is no more .thank god i recommend this DR Athullya in santhigiri Ayurveda center Bahrain personally to those don"t who have faith in Ayurveda please experience you will change

  • Mahnaz Keshavarzian

    Mahnaz Keshavarzian


    Santhigiri provides healing and rejuvenation of damaged tissues using Ayurvedic, traditional ancient Indian alternative medical treatment. This holistic method revives the body at its most vulnerable time.I highly recommend the treatment as part of healing process of most illnesses.

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    Saifee Haji


    Janakripan titmenyt is very exelent I am very happy

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    Sudhir Pradhan


    Treatment is very good and above all standard its natural treatment I was suffering from hig depression and I took complete sesion and I got merical banifet and recommend if you are having any such or any other problem plz take treatment you will get amazing result . I never thought there treatment could be so professional and banifet was beyond my thought. So plz if you care for your family and friends plz visit one time and you will get the result. I am so thankful to santhigire for there service which give me mental and physical satisfaction.

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