Sacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Bahrain i Manama

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BahrainSacred Heart Of Jesus Catholic Church, Bahrain


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256, Isa Al Kabeer Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1725 3598
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2270573, Longitude: 50.5792771

kommentar 5

  • Rahsa Jati

    Rahsa Jati


    Waiting a saudi visa, stay in hotel for 7 days then direct to church through traditional market in bahrain. You can find street catalogue to maintain position this church. I miss to attend eucharist mass in this town, love it. If I am not make a mistake, this church is beside of education government ministry.

  • Prince A T

    Prince A T


    Sacred Heart Church Bahrain was first established on the Christmas Eve. Its bells rang for the first time on 24 December 1939 at 11PM. It is the first Church to be built in the region. Since then, the church has been blessed with very dedicated shepherds. Sacred Heart has become the first christian community in the year 1938. Bishop Tirinanzi, together with Fr Anselem were the early parishioners. It was H.H. Shaikh Haman Bin Isa Al Khalifa, then Ruler of Bahrain, who graciously offered a plot of land to build the church. And with the help of Fr Luigi, a capuchin priest, the church was built. It was on June 9th, 1939 that the first foundation stone was laid. On March 3, 1940, the church was formally blessed.

  • Binod Nirmal

    Binod Nirmal


    The sacred point of gathering for most Christians in bahrain irrespective of their nationality.

  • en

    Neerej Thomas


    You'll find the peace and silence you always needed. Needless to say, you could be in his presence for so long and lay upon his shoulders your pain and suffering. My day was made visiting this church for the first time.

  • jenjen giucs

    jenjen giucs


    Sacred Heart Church is the only Catholic Church in the heart of the Capital City of Bahrain. They have masses in Tagalog, Indian, English, Bengali and many others. They have anticipated mass on Fridays, and they offer masses on Sundays also. This is a very holy place of worship.

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