Rovergate Landrover Parts and Service i Salmabad

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BahrainRovergate Landrover Parts and Service



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Salmabad, Near Takaful Insurance, Salmabad 999, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3300 9807
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Latitude: 26.178018, Longitude: 50.532324

kommentar 5

  • Richard Merkis

    Richard Merkis


    Da Da best

  • Advanced Micro Computer Systems

    Advanced Micro Computer Systems



  • en

    Jon Hall


    I unfortunately took my Range Rover to this garage and spent 1000s bhd. Each time the car returned with new issues. Body damage on one occasion. Engine pulley dropped off on another. Drive shaft boot torn through poor care taken during repair. Now engine after 100kms has water in left bank. It's an absolute rogue trader do not take your car there ever. I now use AL Faris half the price and much more reliable. Be warned this company do not care and I would say, sabotage your car so you have to return Trip one had to return due to the drive shaft boot broken after suspension arm was renewed Trip one. 5 I forgot brake disc left loose and they charged me to repair after they fitted the pads Trip two roof lining dropped after body work Trip three sensors which I replaced stopped working after bumper respray Trip four engine rebuild the car engine crankshaft pulley fell off Trip 5 the body work was damaged outside the shop too which they said t was already there Trip 6 engine failure 100kms after repair no warranty Total spend 2700bd Be warned and I hope this real review stays on the site Steering colum failure , ignition failure , blue tooth etc etc all after repair.

  • ar

    Ali Almoosa



  • en

    Jakkie De Bruin


    Best guys for everything

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