Ric's Kountry Kitchen i Manama

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BahrainRic's Kountry Kitchen



🕗 Ã¥bningstider

Shabab Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1772 5550
internet side: ricskountrykitchen.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2151376, Longitude: 50.5999468

kommentar 5

  • MrsMudBitch



    The patron margaritas and pizza are the best things here. Much of the rest of the menu should be avoided - frozen food served either fried or microwaved.

  • Jason Rogachesky

    Jason Rogachesky


    If you avoid ordering biscuits and sausage gravy at restaurants because they never get it right try Ric's! They do it better than most of the places in the southern U.S. and they do it in the middle east. Definitely the best for a thousand miles. They also magically cook their bacon so it is crispy and delicious and still pliable. perfect!

  • Nabil Rashidi

    Nabil Rashidi


    Wasnt able to get a table here on a Friday morning. The reviews about poor service is accurate. But I guess whoever is going here expecting something other than a greasy old American diner experience is kinda missing the point. So enjoy it for what it is.

  • Gary Mullennax

    Gary Mullennax


    Ric's is a great place to eat if you're looking for traditional American country foods. It's a bit pricey, but the food is great and you never leave hungry. They claim to be the best American food in the Gulf and I agree with them.

  • en

    Steve c


    I came here by myself. This is a hole in the wall bar/restaurant. The atmosphere is incredible and inviting whether by yourself or in a group. Great live band that invites local participation. Very friendly people who are open to meet others. Also, food is great. They serve authentic Texas /Oklahoma type food.

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