Pets Cabana i Muharraq

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BahrainPets Cabana



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Shop 2106G Building 2106D Road 5541 Block 255 Galali، Infront of Amwaj Islands، Muharraq, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3849 7897
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Latitude: 26.281999, Longitude: 50.64449

kommentar 5

  • en

    helana kevin


    My experience at pets cabana was extremely positive – the staff was very friendly and knowledgeable. The grooming of my dog was just as I had wanted and, considering she has ear sensitivity, they treated her very gently. I made a next appointment & would recommend to others.”

  • en

    salim elbana


    best pet shop i have ever visit , keep it up.( five stars guys )

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    Yasir Ali


    Excellent service at great prices. One of the best pet groomers in bahrain

  • Huzeifa Adamally

    Huzeifa Adamally


    This is the best and cheapest place in Bahrain. I've never had an issue here and they do a great job. For the price you pay it's a steal. A full service will only cost you in the range of BD. 7 to 10 much much cheaper than the rest of their competition. They do teeth brushing and ear cleaning for dogs too. Make a booking and you can wait there while they do their thing. 5 🌟 service.

  • en

    karima salim


    The best place for your pets, products with high quality and very good customer service. Staffs is knowledgeable and very helpful. Amazing pet grooming services done by professional groomers

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