NOJO SALON & SPA i Abu Saiba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SHOP 0 BUILDING 1583A ROAD 80 BLOCK 473 Bbudaiya highway, Abu Saiba, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
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Latitude: 26.2199781, Longitude: 50.5003688

kommentar 4

  • Chrystal Peris

    Chrystal Peris


    The staff were very professional and incredibly kind. They really made me feel amazing. Jill did a great job with my nails, she knew exactly what colour and brand were good for my needs, and she was very quick yet meticulous. Jeanette cut and styled my hair. She was adorable and extremely meticulous, she took time to really pay attention and make sure that she was cutting evenly everywhere and that it shaped my face well. She even showed me pictures of hairstyles for my hair length and asked me to pick one to be sure she was cutting the right way, and she was very careful to ask exactly how much I was comfortable with cutting off. She was very lovely and she cuts amazingly well. Lou was the receptionist, she was extremely kind to me and made sure I was well taken care of by her staff. She kept checking in on me many times to make sure I was ok and the staff were doing a good job. I left extremely satisfied and feeling like a million dinars! Their place is very clean and very well stocked with a lot of different nail polish colours and brands, and they have 2 floors to carry out all their services. The place was well lit, very spacious, and I truly had a wonderful time. Thank you so much, ladies!

  • sultan saleh

    sultan saleh


    I took my sisters to the salon and they said it is very clean and they loved it.. staff were friendly and they enjoyed their service.. I give them a 5 star not only because of the good service but also because of the great relaxing atmosphere.. for sure it will be my sisters number one go to and will always recommend it

  • Deema Alaswad

    Deema Alaswad


  • Mya Moore

    Mya Moore


    Absouletly loved this place! Did a great job on my manicure! Would highly recommend it! Nice Salon, beautiful decor and very clean!

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