New York Coffee i Al-Hamala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainNew York Coffee



🕗 åbningstider

Road 90, Wali al-ahed hwy, Al-Hamala, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1761 3272
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Latitude: 26.1664457, Longitude: 50.4682604

kommentar 5

  • Rian Wisandanu

    Rian Wisandanu


    New York Coffee has good variety of flavors coffee that no other has. The variety of breakfast and foods also a must to try.

  • Ali Almajed

    Ali Almajed


    Very juicy and delicous burgers 👌 .. i recomend smoke house and nyc burger .. great👌👌

  • Ahmed Fraz

    Ahmed Fraz


    They just launched new burgers. I tried and these were good just ok. The Bun was cold. They did not made the bun hot and this spoiled the taste of the burger. Secondly when you buy a burger from them, check weather it contains all the ingredients that is mentioned in the menu description. In my 2 ordered burgers, the described ingredients were not inside and when I complained, the staff member apologized and brought those ingredients in a WHITE PLATE and served me. Is this acceptable??:-/ (

  • Zainab Amir

    Zainab Amir


    Good place to work, study or just have a coffee and/or snacks. It offers meals as well. The staff are kind and they serve nice coffee.

  • Raed Al Bobarah

    Raed Al Bobarah


    Food 🍲 and beverage ☕ nice, but the staffs unprofessional they keep laughing and talking to each other make the place noisy

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