New Millennium School-DPS i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainNew Millennium School-DPS



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Building -399, Road 3009, Block- 330, Bu-Ghazal, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1727 2700
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.211913, Longitude: 50.572178

kommentar 5

  • Arjun Vijayakumar

    Arjun Vijayakumar


    From now on on its not a DPS and neither it was It was under the aegies

  • en

    rashmeka rani


    Very bad school never open admission or grade 1 to 9.

  • en

    Elice Roy


    Nerd school I like it

  • Ayush Vispute

    Ayush Vispute


    READ THIS IF YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO JOIN THIS SCHOOL.THIS IS THE BEST CBSE SCHOOL IN BAHRAIN and students get good marks in 12th and 10th.BUT the ministry has rated this school satisfactory and only this year as very good.FIITJEE is a bit useful but FIITJEE is not getting you anywhere in life unless you join th 11th or 12th.Parents be sure to note that(I am telling from personal experience). The main auditorium is actually a multi-purpose hall where everything is done!.The only good thing in this school is the tables and chairs and teachers are EXTREMELY NICE and kind (almost all) and don't have that iconic Malayalam accent...believe me.....i have seen 4 to 5 dps schools in the middle east and India included but this one is nothing even close to the others. THE TEACHERS AND SYSTEM IS VERY NICE BUT...The school structure is very small and very badly planned and the bus condition is not that good put AC on full also but no use at all.The principal says that the football field is very good but that's all they have. But in the really don't have much of an other option in Bahrain so IT IS WISE TO join this school.

  • Mitto M

    Mitto M


    Teachers keep changing and most don't come from good background. Has the management cross checked the background of teachers as how eligible they are, instead of sending them off frequently? English fluency and accents are not checked on teachers. These teachers will never be qualified in American or British schools. Abundant teachers are available in the market who are under dependent visa of husband and are ready to work in low wages. This ofcourse, turns to be below quality of teachers. This is kind of business and not like an educational institutions as wages are compromised with the abundant teachers available in the market. School don't spend on teachers training to be competitive as par with British or American school.

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