Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain i Bahrain

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BahrainMövenpick Hotel Bahrain



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143 Road 2403، Bahrain 999, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1746 0000
internet side: www.movenpick.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.264408, Longitude: 50.625932

kommentar 5

  • Prince A T

    Prince A T


    The Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain is an award-winning five star property, located adjacent to Bahrain International Airport and with a magnificent view of the sprawling lagoon and resort. It is less than a 10 minutes’ drive from the business district and city centre of Manama and is the first hotel to mark the skyline of the historic town of Muharraq. With its cosmopolitan lifestyle and vibrant economy, the Kingdom of Bahrain has become one of the most attractive destinations in the Gulf Region. At the Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain contemporary architecture and interiors coupled with the latest technology and facilities means that everything you would expect from a 5-star hotel is perfectly blended with Arabian tradition. Plus, a touch of Swiss hospitality makes all the difference. Take advantage of one of the numerous offers & deals available at the Mövenpick Hotel Bahrain. Book your room today.

  • en

    Angus Earl


    Great hotel, staff were ultra friendly and always willing to accommodate requests, hotel was classy, well kept clean and comfortable. Very impressed. I will recommend this hotel for F1 races in future and will be staying here myself again. Thank you!

  • en

    Abhijit Kanjilal


    I haven't stayed here, so can't comment on Room and other internal services but our office had booked the conference room along with Lunch/Dinner for two days. Overall the facilities were quite good. Food was very good. Nicely arranged and very good, well aquainted staff. Will definitely recommend others for using such facilities here. It's at 5 minutes of walking distance from airport.

  • Omar Haydar

    Omar Haydar


    Although a bit older, this hotel is well maintained, and its services are dependably good. The restaurants feature not only nice buffets, but special cuisine nights. The hotel overlooks the Arad bay, and is walking distance to the airport, so very convenient for meetings and such. It has good facilities including tennis courts, a spa, and meeting rooms.

  • en



    Movenpick is approximately a 5 minute walk from the airport, but you feel like it is a resort located many miles away. It is a beautiful hotel, with a fantastic pool and an excellent gym. The breakfast is sumptuous, with so many different selections from so many different places. The staff are friendly, helpful and warm. They provide a free shuttle to the center of Manama as well.

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