Modern Knowledge Schools i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainModern Knowledge Schools



🕗 åbningstider

Building 515, Block 342, Road 4209, Juffair, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1772 7838
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2065699, Longitude: 50.6019566

kommentar 5

  • IVG 4

    IVG 4


    How Can I transfer to this school and I want to know what this school have subjects

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    marium waqas


    Extremely rude people..i had been calling the registration department for like a month but no one ever answered the i called other numbers they said the concerned lady is not on her seat....when i complained that why is she never available for the queries , its been a long time i m trying .....they said you want us to pull her back to her seat ??? when i said if you have provided the number someone should be there to answer .....she was like OH REALLY ? OH REALLY ? ... cant believe i got this behaviour from a so called School. Not worth it . ThankGod i came to know before i got stuck there :))

  • Sam Sam

    Sam Sam


    I had an interview with the so called principal Jay Daniel Hollinger yesterday 3/27/2018. He was very distracting during the whole interview, he would ask me questions, but he won't pay attention to my answers. He kept working on something else during the interview. He was very disrespectful, and rude. I never had such worst interview in my whole life. Principal Jay Daniel Hollinger shows how unprofessional he is, and how disrespectful he is toward his teachers and staff. Working with him would be a bad experience.

  • Ak 72

    Ak 72


    I wanted to join this school and tried over 10 times and I was rejected for the high amount of students that want to in role into Mks . I have heard very good comments from family members about the teaching their but every time I try to apply for the school I get rejected every time . I want to in role to this school because I find it very difficult to stay in my current school because it is getting harder because I am taking a british curriculum and changing to an American would be better for me not easier but a less complicated .I would want to be accepted but due to the rejection I get and my friends that want to in role as well i can’t get the approval of the school so sad that this is the cause 😞

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    Liberator Kok


    4 stars because: The location of the school is bad it's filled with traffic let's say you finish school at 2 o'clock you arrive home at 3 (for thoes who live in muharraq.)

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