Moda Mall i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainModa Mall



🕗 åbningstider

Government Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1332 3332
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2386353, Longitude: 50.5821212

kommentar 5

  • Coralldot



    It's beautiful place for all luxury shopping. Cartier Moda mall Bahrain’s luxury shopping destination. A shopping paradise for all those who love shopping.At MODA Mall everyone can feel exclusive, with the largest portfolio of luxury brands in the Kingdom of Bahrain under one roof.

  • Husain Mudara

    Husain Mudara


    Has more high-end brands than you'd expect. Worth a visit. Projekt 8 in particular has some great jewellery and watch brands!

  • Denise Krebs

    Denise Krebs


    A lovely place in Bahrain to walk and rest and eat. The stores are high-end and have beautiful items. Nice eateries.

  • the monki monk AJO

    the monki monk AJO


    Very nice mall.. Which will be good for watch lovers... Not too much rush. And maintain a high standard and in terms of cleanliness , its excellent. I have done a great shopping at there..

  • en

    Ali Malik


    Very nice mall even though it gets overlooked in favour of the bigger ones. Mall is filled with upscale brands and restaurants.. some you can't find anywhere else in Bahrain. The mall is at the bottom levels of Bahrain World Trade Centre, offering those who work in the towers a nice place to escape for a break or a bite to eat. Easy parking indoors or outdoors.

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