مدرسة الرجاء i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Bahrainمدرسة الرجاء



🕗 åbningstider

Building 1940 Road 639، Block 306، Manama 306, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1725 4414
internet side: www.alrajabahrain.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2322763, Longitude: 50.5845931

kommentar 5

  • en

    ahmed aradi


    The teachers are unrespect to the student even it the parrent meeting the teacher was showting 😠

  • en

    Nader Al Ansari


    Very good school

  • Nishad Eapen

    Nishad Eapen


    My neighbour🚶🏻😀- & Good luck to all students 👍

  • Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen

    Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen


    In 1899, Amy Zwemer saw a need. There were a few students - her daughters and a few other girls from the neighborhood - who were eager and ready to learn. Armed with only a few books and an enthusiasm that was second to none, Ms. Zwemer met with these seven girls on her back porch and taught writing and reading. She called her school The Acorn School. Connected with the American Mission Hospital, and the work directed by her husband, Samuel Zwemer, her little school began to grow. In less than three years, there was a need for a school building to be built. With donations from churches from the Reformed Church in America in the US, a church and school building was built. Every day 10-15 students attended to learn reading, writing and arithmetic. In the afternoons, trade crafts were taught by American staff and Bahraini members of the community. The school continued to grow over the years, eventually becoming an all girls school. In the 1930's, there was a demand to begin a formal boys section in the school. Eventually the school became known as the American Mission School, the name by which many in the community know it today, serving students from KG - Grade 9. During that time it held classes at the church facilities, which themselves morphed and changed over the decades. In 1994, the current campus was built, and the school moved to its current campus. In the early 2000's, grades 10, 11, and 12 were added, and the first graduating class walked in 2008. Most recently, the school has added the Advanced Placement curriculum for students, and has begun the accreditation process with AdvancEd. The school continues to work towards building strong community through building strong students.

  • Vijilesh C.M

    Vijilesh C.M


    Good school

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