Lulu Hypermarket, Juffair Mall Branch i المنامة

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BahrainLulu Hypermarket, Juffair Mall Branch



🕗 åbningstider

324، المنامة، Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1755 5588
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2180026, Longitude: 50.6078057

kommentar 5

  • Mark Heidmann

    Mark Heidmann


    Wide aisles and spacious. Clean and good selections of items. Fruit and veg always great.

  • en

    Rachel Prouse


    Good all round Mall. Good for supermarket type items. Some real bargains for the taking! Not great on the coffee shop side of things - ideal to shop and go!

  • Anjum Razzaque

    Anjum Razzaque


    Service could be better. Ask a manager and a supervisor to let me know when an item arrives. Got a confirmation that they'll call. But never cared to. Waiting for other supermarkets in this area to pop up. Hear that's happening soon.

  • Dileep D

    Dileep D


    The hypermarket we often visit. God environment. Parking will not be an issue. Nice place for shopping. You will get all household items like dresses, footwear, utensils, stationaries, toys, electronics, groceries, cleaning, spices, nuts and chocolates, toiletries and perfumes etc under one roof. But Footwear have very limited selection. Staffs are friendly and customer service is good.

  • en

    Nicole Silva


    Not sure how much I enjoy an HR tell me that they only hire Keralites for positions at Lulu. Where I come from, we give equal opportunities for everyone. If it wasn't for the fact that they are in Bahrain, I'm certain they wouldn't have even hired locals. It disgusts me that we are living in a society that still prefers race over qualifications and that too openly. If you want to truly be a global brand, be open to the idea that all Indians are the same and must deserve the same opportunities. Adding to my many woes with the place, I've come home to find perfectly within the use by date products, do have rotten / grow fungus.

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