Loumage Hotel & Suites i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainLoumage Hotel & Suites


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Building 98 , Road 2003, Block 320، Manama 199, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1729 3232
internet side: www.loumage.com
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Latitude: 26.2310744, Longitude: 50.5979446

kommentar 5

  • Saqib Shahid

    Saqib Shahid


    Very clean. Nice View. Noisy on 15th floor. All Services at one spot.

  • usman mahmood

    usman mahmood


    Very spacious studio apartment. Well kept and welcoming decor. The mattress was quite firm so be warned. The bathroom was one if the physical features that let's the place down. The shower space is far too small and only has a curtain to cover. The other problem I had was the music from the clubs downstairs well into the early hours. I was on the 8th floor but could hear the music clearly.

  • Dmitriy



    Calm place to stop for few days

  • Aman Ul Haq

    Aman Ul Haq


    Nice specious rooms, good service and affordable

  • Sampath Gokarna

    Sampath Gokarna


    The Hotel am staying here in Bahrain offered me champagne and fruits as a gratitude for my stay. Appreciate their hospitality

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