Kingdom University i Riffa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainKingdom University


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3903, شارع الاستقلال, Riffa, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1330 0001
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1357211, Longitude: 50.5833783

kommentar 5

  • Mahmoud Alsaby

    Mahmoud Alsaby


    An organized place with lot of great events .

  • Ali Inayat

    Ali Inayat


    The location is good

  • en

    Pawan Prem


    Helo nice

  • Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen

    Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen


    University of the Kingdom - which is one of the first private educational institutions in the Kingdom of Bahrain. Since its founding in 2001, the University of the Kingdom has made concrete steps in the growth strategy based on its ambitious plan, and expanded in terms of its academic programs and human resources and environment Spatial. And a vision focused on the future and sustainability of the growth, the university offers bachelor's and master's programs in the vital disciplines, and adopt a specialized academy in business, law, literature, architecture and design management platforms, also rely modern teaching methods supply the learning classroom direct practical application to prepare graduates for the jobs of tomorrow according to labor market needs on the one hand and enhance career Aovqon for those who work and study of university students on the other. Associates of the University of keen members of the academic and administrative bodies, students and alumni on excellence in academic standards, and leadership in the field of scientific research and innovation. Our goal is to facilitate the knowledge and practical skills required for all students and opportunities, as the focus of the educational process, for their leadership and Sqlhm Development to take over job tasks and community service. The University is proud of the great achievements Kingdom achieved in the short time since its inception, the new campus in Riffa area to create a university environment that fosters a focus on students and the achievement of the strategic objectives of the University of shares. In this context, I am pleased to point out for programs Bachelor financial and banking administration, business management, financial management and accounting to estimate the "trustworthy" by the Quality Assurance Authority for Education and Training, also won funding program and accountability for professional accreditation from the international body donor certificate certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) to be the first university in the Kingdom maintain this accreditation twice in a row, which exempts students from five decisions to receive this internationally recognized professional certificate. Despite the challenges ahead, we are more determined to live up to performance, and continue to give, and academic excellence, and community participation in order to serve the generations and build a human society.

  • en

    Hanan elbakry


    Wow I reached in a glimpse! The most useful app ever

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