iWorld Connect - Apple Authorised Reseller and Service Provider i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainiWorld Connect - Apple Authorised Reseller and Service Provider



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 1805, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1753 5454
internet side: www.iworldconnect.bh
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2353524, Longitude: 50.5928016

kommentar 5

  • Varun Gawarikar

    Varun Gawarikar


    Best apple products and authorized apple serivce provider

  • Haroon Navash

    Haroon Navash


    Satisfied with your service and nice customer handling.

  • Rahul Rajendran

    Rahul Rajendran


    Apple dealer in bahrain

  • en

    Shouq Mohamed


    I was having slight issues with just my trackpad and they disabled my trackpad AND keyboard for no reason and sent me home with just a mouse! Now I can't even log on because I can't type in my password or anything else! They did not tell me that they were going to disable the keyboard! They couldn't fix my laptop and said that I need to wait 3 weeks for another trackpad to arrive. Now it's Friday and they're closed, and I have no way to access my laptop! They made me PAY for this horrible service! Very unprofessional and downright stupid.

  • Sarath Sathyanesan

    Sarath Sathyanesan


    Friendly staff and reasonably priced upgrade/repair options .

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