Isa Town Post Office i Isa Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainIsa Town Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

Road No 1014, Isa Town, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1747 4496
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.1731123, Longitude: 50.5474842

kommentar 5

  • Elegant ABI

    Elegant ABI


    Really very bad experience very late plus no corporate Ali Balushi

  • Hamado alhdi

    Hamado alhdi


    They never pick up the phone during the job time. Slow service

  • Dr. Jamal R. Al-Fardan Main

    Dr. Jamal R. Al-Fardan Main


    Great Bahrain Post Service By The Isa Town Post Office TEAM.......So Helpful People...

  • Jopaul Jacob

    Jopaul Jacob


    Poor service... I have received a text which stated the post company tried calling me.. But I haven't received any calls..

  • Mohammed Ebrahim

    Mohammed Ebrahim


    Horrible experience!! They promised 4-5 days delivery period and a tracking service. The tracking number is only valid till the shipment leaves Bshrain Airport and it becomes useless afterwards. The shipment has not been delivered and it has been over three weeks. When you inquire about the status -after you figure out that the tracking number is just a scam- they will tell you to ask the receiver!! The only thing you can do is to inquire officially which is not leading anywhere obviously. I considered my shipment lost and it contained original documents which will take weeks to be issued again. These guys have been extremely nonchalant and unprofessional regarding the service and I would recommend avoiding them like the plague! They may seem the cheapest option around but if you want your parcel to reach at all go for service provider.

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