Iron Park Gym i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainIron Park Gym



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3568 7034
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2099642, Longitude: 50.5759226

kommentar 5

  • rafael pedro

    rafael pedro


    Well equipped and clean .

  • Stacy Daniel

    Stacy Daniel


    Awesome vibe, great equipment, very friendly, helpful and experienced trainers who know what they are doing. It's rare to find trainers like these in Bahrain! They push you beyond your limits, which is the best part. Makes the money totally worth it!

  • en

    Marwan Al Meer


    I’ve went to a lot of gyms in bahrain but by far does Iron-Park stand out the most. The encouraging atmosphere with exceptional and experienced trainers who not only guide you, but track and motivate you for your own success is the reason for this. Very cheap for its value. Clean and very hygienic. Overall a great investment of your money for your health.

  • Yousif Al-hawaj

    Yousif Al-hawaj


    Great service and staff. The price is great.

  • Saint rishi

    Saint rishi


    I have been working out there for the past 8 months and it has been a good journey. I love the rule they have and it is very disciplinary for me. They trainers are very helpful and insightful. I have had a good transformation after coming to this gym.

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