Hilton Bespoke i Manama

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BahrainHilton Bespoke



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Shop Z61 Road 20 Block 332, Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 0058
internet side: www.hiltonbespoke.com
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Latitude: 26.209412, Longitude: 50.576022

kommentar 5

  • en

    hesham bakir


    One of the best tailors I've ever worked with. They are very professional and knowledgeable of current trends and cuts. Also reasonably priced. My first suit was a pin striped double breasted beauty that guaranteed me as a lifelong customer. P.s. their collection of inner linings to choose from is a nice touch

  • Faisal Khalifeh

    Faisal Khalifeh


    Best tailor I have ever worked with. Delivery is timely, initial work is always good, and revisions make the fit perfect. I got my suit as well as all (15 +) my shirts done here.

  • Shyam MC

    Shyam MC


    Professional suiting tailors. A bit pricey, however, there is no compromise in quality. The tailors care to make sure your suit is perfectly fit on you. They have a wide range of materials also for the suiting. Plus they do have accessories for men, like shoes, belts etc. A must try for anybody who needs a suit for an occasion of sorts.

  • Teymour Murad

    Teymour Murad


    Amazing tailors. I get all my suits done from Hilton Bespoke.

  • Faisal Aldaiel

    Faisal Aldaiel


    Excellent bespoke suits and formal wear. Very knowledgeable staff that can accommodate most requests. The owner is very polite and friendly, and is well versed with all that pertains to suits and tuxedos. Prices are very reasonable for the quality offered. Most fabrics are imported from Italy and the UK, with the option of 2-ply Egyptian or Indian cotton for bespoke shirts​. Turnaround is two weeks, or thereabouts. A fitting or two is recommended to ensure the perfect fit. They also sell premade item such as ties/bowties, shoes, money clips, pocket squares, etc... Although they can tailor bespoke bowties and pocket squares from their fabric catalogues. A very nice place visit if you're in the market for a new suit or two.... .

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