Grind Speciality Coffee i Al Markh

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BahrainGrind Speciality Coffee



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Al Markh, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1769 1124
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Latitude: 26.1986071, Longitude: 50.4773058

kommentar 5

  • Abdulrahman AlKooheji

    Abdulrahman AlKooheji


    The place is really not comfortable to sit except for the 1 large sofa they have which I assume will always be occupied. The staff think they own the place or might be shareholders I wouldn't know. The americano has a horrible sour taste. There's nothing "speciality" about this place and it's my personal opinion!

  • Fares Almuhanna

    Fares Almuhanna


    The location, and interior design were amazing and some. The coffee was fine to not bad. Ordered a cold brew and the staff added a slice of lemon in it without asking. It tasted really bag

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    Lucian Ale


    Just discovered it today... very nice laid back atmosphere and great coffee. Will come for more!

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    Hamad Almansoori


    Good place to relax or get productive with work while enjoying a delicious cup of coffee. A must visit place for all the coffee lovers out there

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    Cory Twarog


    Beans are roasted on site. Very good coffee. A little difficult to find. Close to other unique places.

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