Floral Bridal Henna i Isa Town

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainFloral Bridal Henna



🕗 åbningstider

Flat 11، Building 720، Road 77، Block 814، Isa Town 814, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3625 9206
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.168503, Longitude: 50.566867

kommentar 3

  • Hisham Sh

    Hisham Sh


    It's a peaceful place and there are awesome henna artists

  • Ozmaa Javed

    Ozmaa Javed


    Even one star is not low enough, want to give them zero! I booked them for my wedding a week in advance. Even agreed on picking the henna artist from her house to come to my house for the henna ceremony and dropping her off back to her house once everything is done. On the day of the henna, went to the given address to pick the henna artist and called her to come out. Nobody answered the phone. Texted her on whatsapp and message didn't get delivered. Ended up going to their salon and the had someone downstairs telling us they are unavailable. Two hours later they sent me a voice message saying that they cancelled us because it's been two hours we didn't show up. What a joke. Unreal! If I knew these people will pull this stunt I wouldn't have booked them. I ended up booking someone else last minute which meant I got my henna done at 11pm a night before my wedding.

  • en

    Muhammad Khan


    Do you have a black henna

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