Fatto i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Road 2827, Restaurant 2214, Al Seef 0428, Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 6677 8822
internet side: www.alghalia.com
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Latitude: 26.2329718, Longitude: 50.5412983

kommentar 5

  • Ali Asger

    Ali Asger


    Very nice food!! Really good veg. food

  • The Food Menu bh

    The Food Menu bh


    A few days ago at the food tasting event at @fattobahrain for the launch of their new menu 🍽 Honestly, I’ve been to Fatto once and the food was OK but after trying the food on their new menu i was wowed! The food we were served, in general, was rich and hearty 👌🏼❤️ Every single dish had something unique that made me want more.. The combination of flavors was spot on. Every dish is made with so much love ❤️ Heres what I tried: - from the mixed starter I tried the arancini balls and the gamberi croccanti. - fried mac & cheese stuffed with beef bolognese. - quinoa avocado salad. ♥️ - kale salad with beetroots. - burrata with fresh tomatoes. - spaghetti bolognese topped with burrata cheese. - green basil risotto with beef tenderloin. 👌🏼 - black lemon beef tikka pizza. 🤤🤤🤤👌🏼 - fresh burrata pizza. - pizza topped with cheese & crispy kale with red chili. This was a feast; my stomach was full but my heart wanted more 🤤♥️

  • en

    S B


    A very good menu with authentic italian dishes .. service is great as well as the design of the restaurent.. we have pizza and risotto.. both were super delicious..

  • en

    hala hala


    great food. pizza And all sorts of pasta. good value for the quality

  • May Abou Fakhr

    May Abou Fakhr


    Authentic Italian cuisine with a twist. We loved all the dishes we tried so far. Friendly and efficient staff. Nice atmosphere

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