Elevation Burger i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainElevation Burger



🕗 åbningstider

Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1758 7828
internet side: instagram.com
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Latitude: 26.2326209, Longitude: 50.5350427

kommentar 5

  • Fariha Murtaza

    Fariha Murtaza


    The 100% Organic Burger, light on the stomach! Love it

  • rafael pedro

    rafael pedro


    Tasty burgers. French fries portions could be bigger.

  • taimour raouf

    taimour raouf


    Organic burgers. Still not sure exactly what that means or why anyone should care but the burgers are good. The fries are ok, nothing speciall. Not sure if they are also "organic". Staff are fast and friendly. The place is very clean, but the mall seating had too many flies (only two or three but that's still two or three too many!). They used to have great oatmeal cookies, but these seem to have been taken off the menu. Pitty. That was possibly their best offering.

  • AbdulKhaliq Ismael

    AbdulKhaliq Ismael


    Good bergers all ingredients tasted very fresh. The fries were not that great.

  • Nada S

    Nada S


    it used to be one of the top burger rest. in the town but since its opens the menue as it is

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