Dr Basem Ashoor -Plastic Surgery & laser i Bilad Al Qadeem Manamah

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BahrainDr Basem Ashoor -Plastic Surgery & laser



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Villa 2744 Road 6465 Block 364, Bilad Al Qadeem Manamah, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1774 0660
internet side: www.drbasemashoor.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.198919, Longitude: 50.553996

kommentar 5

  • Myriam Gliguem

    Myriam Gliguem


    Coming from Paris, absolutely needed laser because I was on my 5th week. They did a great job, sweet nurses, clean institute... Wish the nurses in France was as sweet as yours. Do not change a thing! I will come back. Thank you.

  • ar

    radiyah rabeai


    من وجهة نظري من افضل عيادات التجميل في مملكة البحرين و الخبرة الطويلة في مجال الجراحة و التجميل I trust the products that are used in your clinic and I feel safe and secure when using them .To me it is one of the best clinics in our Kingdom. Wish youall the best. God bless you 🌹🌹🌹

  • Khadija Mohamed

    Khadija Mohamed


    Professional technicians and really kind. Been visiting this clinic for laser treatment twice and i’ll Schedule another appointment for next month. My only problem is when I call the clinic for some queries, I can’t find someone to pick up, so I have to go there myself.

  • en

    Nayla Naser


    I recommend strongly

  • en

    Arif imam


    Unfortunately nothing as described on website. The front desk staff is poor quality. I took an appointment and there was nobody to pick the call for re confirmation. I travelled two and half hours when reached clinic the staff told us Dr not available today. They gave another appointment and I took another off from office since I was travelling from saudi Arabia. Again they called just while on the way that Dr is again not available without any excuse or apologies. The front desk Filipino was having sevre flu and didn't answer any query properly. Asking for some skin treatment she said it's over written on the website which has not been updated. Think twice before visiting this clinic. Best of luck.

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