Dairy Queen i Zayed Town

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BahrainDairy Queen



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Zayed Town, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1750 6070
internet side: www.dqbahrain.com
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Latitude: 26.1670514, Longitude: 50.5422827

kommentar 5

  • Bofaris M

    Bofaris M


    There is a bad damp smell on the lower floor probably the smell of a dirty mob. Also there is a very high pressure inside your ears will always feel the annoying feeling.

  • Hamed AlMahari

    Hamed AlMahari


    Heritage combined with modern innovations in taste and design. Operating from twenty locations in the region, DQ is one of the oldest and most beloved chains of quick service restaurants in Bahrain and in other countries of the region that it operates. American Dairy Queen Corporation (ADQ), which is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minn. services a system of more than 6,300 Dairy Queen stores in the United States, Canada, and 25 other countries. ADQ is part of the Berkshire Hathaway family of companies led by the legendary Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. With a very first outlet in the region in Salmaniya, Bahrain regularly receives top of the system awards for achieving highest sales worldwide in the Dairy Queen chain. Bahrain, in fact, has always ranked within the top five in Dairy Queen’s international system. Dairy Queen’s Blizzards, frozen cakes, and soft serves are legendary, as well as its delicious grills and burgers. Dairy Queen prides itself on successfully combining heritage with modern innovations in taste and design.

  • Double Clutch

    Double Clutch


    Pros: Good Food, Good branch timings, no fast food was open 3 a.m but luckily there is a 24hour DQ Cons: i wish the Prices is affordable like Mcdonalds

  • Sami Radhiz

    Sami Radhiz


    Was a great time on that day i enjoyed it with my friends.. clean places and great staff also.

  • Ali Al-Muharraqi

    Ali Al-Muharraqi


    Best Ice-cream in a fast food joint, but the food is meh

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