Coral Bay Resort Bahrain i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainCoral Bay Resort Bahrain



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Road 2407 Building 491 Block 322 Road 2407 Manama Bahrain Manama BH 322 322 Manama BAHRAIN BH Manama BH, Manama 322, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3977 7701
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.229246, Longitude: 50.600006

kommentar 5

  • Jérémy Pidjot

    Jérémy Pidjot


    8bd entrance... The beach is dirty af. To much working girls. The pool is fine and prices are not bad. 1st and last time for me

  • Hamad Neyadi

    Hamad Neyadi


    First and last time to stay at such Hotel because it very noisy and can't relax specially the music on the beaxh. Moerover, the room is dirty and the smelly.

  • en

    UmmZ bee


    We really enjoyed our time at Coral Bay. We lounged on the empty beach, whilst the trendy crowd lounged by the swimming pool. The beach is clean, and the children really enjoyed it.

  • Mohamed Elasheri

    Mohamed Elasheri


    It a very nice place with 3 different cuisines: Italian, Lebanese and seafood. The only drawback is alcoholic beverages. After 10:00 PM the place is more like a night club rather a restaurant.

  • Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen

    Abbas G. Awadh Salmeen


    Situated on the clear waters of the Arabian Sea, Coral Bay is the ultimate destination for relaxation, adventure, entertainment and absolute enjoyment. Formerly known as Coral Beach Club, Coral Bay is a marina, a beach, a fully equipped health club, a facility that offers all types of water sports and scuba diving equipment, a relaxing lounge, the home of the island’s most acclaimed Lebanese restaurant, the host of Bahrain’s legendary Formula 1 parties, and much more. You can brush off the stress and celebrate life with Coral Bay’s special events featuring international DJs. Don’t forget to check out our brand new, exclusive Coral Bay membership packages here. Come down to Coral Bay to listen to the rolling waves and dive into the infinite sea. Indulge in the Island’s best Lebanese food as you enjoy the beautiful sea views over the marina. Dance the night away or laze on the beach and soak up the sun. Pump iron by the white sandy beach or rejuvenate at our top class spa. Explore and discover a tropical island. Live it up and escape to Bahrain’s favourite leisure club, Coral Bay.

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