Chili's i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1758 1221
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Latitude: 26.2338148, Longitude: 50.5376163

kommentar 5

  • Elyas's channel

    Elyas's channel


    Lol yumi foood👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌👌👌👌👌🍣🍣🍣🍣

  • Mahmood ALBalooshi

    Mahmood ALBalooshi


    I used to like this restaurant, but not i feel the quality of the food is not great as it uses to be

  • Salman Malim

    Salman Malim


    To be honest, chili's has lost its potential or the character it had earlier.. poor service, delay in serving the dishes despite being a week day and having only 8 other diners in. Rude and unprofessional staff. Taste mainly has just dropped down with prices still being high! One dish i ordered was oreo sundae which looked pathetic! Was served in a old dirty glass which would have been used to seve drinks.. with the worst presentation of 2 crushed oreos. French fries was hard and had no life in it! Kfc is much better i suppose... hope the management makes some serious changes...

  • en

    UmmZ bee


    Chili's has, at least in my opinion, really gone backwards over the last few years at their Bahraini locations. The decor looks old and dark, their service is slow and tired, half of the time they don't even have the food/drink they advertise in their menus. Not to mention how difficult it is to guide the wait-staff in any substitutions.

  • Ahmad Dialdin

    Ahmad Dialdin


    Purely reviewing this to store my personal notes. If you don't know what to expect from Chilis, then check it out for yourself. Otherwise, you know what you're getting here. Personal Notes: Kid menu options: grilled chicken, mac & cheese (but not really), fries, but he didn't eat the corn. Also, don't order for yourself. Seriously, that time has passed. You can't have anything here anymore, my dude. No, not even the buffalo wings or the enchilada soup. Sorry, it's over. The nausea is not worth it. Fine, you can have the chips and salsa, but that's it.

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