Carrefour Market Wadi Al Sail Mall i الرفاع

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BahrainCarrefour Market Wadi Al Sail Mall



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شارع ولي العهد, الرفاع, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 8000 8899
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Latitude: 26.1363147, Longitude: 50.5193887

kommentar 5

  • Abdulla AlBinali

    Abdulla AlBinali


    It's my first time shopping at this branch, I really liked it though I did notice that it lacked variety and options compared to the other Carrefour branches and generally speaking compared to Lulu Hypermarket who usually have plenty of options for plenty of products. That said, the staff are great, helpful and friendly. Would definitely shop here again as they have the necessities and more for a quick shop and it's clean, the whole place is really clean.

  • Faheem Syed Abdul

    Faheem Syed Abdul


    One of my favourite supermarket because I like it's hygeine policy. You can see there employees maintain neatness and helping it's customers to get there products. It have the prices according to the quality of the products. And you can get maximum products of household and daily life. It is in wadi alsail mall so you have the plus point of you can do multiple shopping.

  • Maryam Mohammed

    Maryam Mohammed


    Nice place for grocery, not as big as other branches but it's very organized and cozy especially if you don't like crowded places, it's usually quiet. It has a variety of grocery, food, electronics, home supplies.

  • Vivian Tiangha

    Vivian Tiangha


    It's nice and clean but why they make the market become little smaller?




    very good and convenient store to serve its area quite and good shopping market excellent for daily home needs even weekly needs متجر جيد جدا وملائم لخدمة سكان المنطقة المحيطة ممتاز للتسوق اليومي والاسبوعي والعائلات الصغيرة

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