Bushido i Jidhafs

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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52, Avenue 38, Jidhafs, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1758 3555
internet side: www.bushido.com.bh
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Latitude: 26.24023, Longitude: 50.542473

kommentar 5

  • Ada Vasiljević

    Ada Vasiljević


    Best place to go on Thursday nights, as it is ladies night they have 3 free drinks for ladies and usually that’s the night when they are full, music and interior are very alike to Buddha bars, very lively atmosphere with possibility to have a shisha, balcony for a bit privacy or huge variety of dinning options specialized in Asian cuisine. Top notch service.

  • Onyi Udegbunam

    Onyi Udegbunam


    The food is good, the service is great. My favorite thing is ladies night. This is the only place I've found where you can have shisha AND drinks!

  • Nico P

    Nico P


    great buffet option in a nice decor. just music tad loud, but they corrected. and the cocktails are really nice

  • en

    Steve Dixon


    Utterly fantastic. Had the Sunday night buffet (more of a taster menu really as it's all brought to the table) thoroughly recommended. So much to eat it's insane and it's perfectly cooked (no cold, stale, heat lamp dried buffet food here). Surroundings are beautiful (for Bahrain) and there's no real need to book- its a big place

  • Huzeifa Adamally

    Huzeifa Adamally


    The best sushi and tepanyaki is Bahrain. Love love the Friday brunch the selection of food and drinks is amazing and the ambiance is great. Book in advance as it usually gets fully booked and worth every penny you pay for. As always it's much more fun with a crowd and warning. Be ready to be stuffed beyond comprehension.

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