Budaiya Pre-School i Saar

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BahrainBudaiya Pre-School



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Road No 1726، Saar, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1779 1491
internet side: www.budaiyapreschool.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.205087, Longitude: 50.486266

kommentar 5

  • pratheesh b

    pratheesh b


    Both my kids went to this school. Super lovely and fun school for kids. Big regards to the principal who run the school.My kids had a lovely time

  • en

    Ashley Church


    Besides the fact that they are a highly qualified preschool, in fact, the ONLY preschool holding the National Day Nurseries Association accreditation from the UK, it is a place where children feel safe, secure and happy - truly “a place to blossom” Budaiya preschool goes above and beyond meeting toddlers and young children’s basic emotional needs by providing a safe, inclusive and stimulating environment. The children are continually encouraged to explore and learn freely through their senses. I have three children currently enrolled and I am so grateful I found this amazing school! My children have been pupils at private and public schools in both Canada and Belgium, and now Bahrain- Budaiya Pre School is the first school that meets not only academic needs, but also social and emotional needs in a small class setting. The curriculum includes play based learning and giving the children a variety of life experiences on field trips and cultural events. I am so pleased with all three of my children’s progress’ this year. The two oldest are off to KG2 and First grade at a larger school in the fall. This wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the hard work and attention to individual needs that the teachers and support staff provided my boys this school year to prepare them fully for the transition. From the bottom of my heart, thank you Budaiya Preschool for doing what you do and doing it SO FLAWLESSLY!

  • en

    Reem Al-Hazza


    Great owner , teachers , team and atmosphere .it is the best place to our kids to learn ,stay happy and safe❤️highly recommended with all word means

  • Sarfraz Mohammed

    Sarfraz Mohammed


    Good teachers, nice and small, ideal for preschool.

  • Mayyar Derbas

    Mayyar Derbas


    It's defiantly by far the best pre-school I've ever been in and it's made me the person I am today ! It will always have a place in my heart !

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