British School of Bahrain i Hamala

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BahrainBritish School of Bahrain



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Hamala, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1761 0920
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Latitude: 26.161776, Longitude: 50.4714398

kommentar 5

  • hayley park

    hayley park


    Don't go to this school, they only care about money not education. St Chris is much better.

  • Aysha Al Qasimi

    Aysha Al Qasimi


    Amazing school they educate us really well.

  • en

    Ali Bader


    This is the worst school I’ve ever heard of, not only are the teachers useless the facilities are awful and the school is on the verge of falling apart. Except for one or two teachers, the teachers do not teach and we pay around 2000 bd for them to do nothing all day and we have to study hard subjects alone at home with absolutely no help from one of the most expensive schools in Bahrain. I do not recommend this school to anyone who wants an education.

  • en

    jaydee monco


    I attended this school for 10 years. Leaving was the best part of my life. Some of the teachers are extremely disrespectful and have no regards to the people they talk to. I have been continuously patronized and not allowed to speak, even after being shouted or screamed at, which is extremely unprofessional. I did not have a good experience at this school and would never subject my own children to such an environment. The education started off well but went extremely downhill. The main issue with this school is the lack of respect that some of the staff holds. Some of the teachers are very kind and helpful, whereas others are extremely rude. If you want your children to be raised and treated with respect, this is not the place. BSB keeps power with the headteachers and holds no regard to the students. Everything done is only for show. Academic excellence is stressed, even saying they 'put their students first,' but after several years of experience I can definitely say this is not true.

  • en

    Lojana Abdelwahab


    A fantastic school with spectacular facilities. Teachers are very friendly, along with well behaved students. According to my 3 years experience, the school is a place where everyone can feel comfortable.

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