Black Beard Barbershop i Riffa al.gharbi

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBlack Beard Barbershop



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Building 0152, Road 0086, Block 0904, Riffa Al Gharbi, Riffa al.gharbi, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3440 5571
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.12779, Longitude: 50.540934

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ismail Butt


    Awesome haircuts and shave its just BD1 each they got high standards and as you can see from the google rating and facebook rating its the best in bahrain

  • DarkRoom Creations

    DarkRoom Creations


    I’m literally obsessed with the work they do. It’s absolutely brilliant.the best in the country actually 👌🏻👌🏻

  • Jason Krugler

    Jason Krugler


    My friends and I were incredibly pleased with our experience at Black Beard Barbershop. Ismail and Wassem did amazing work with both the beard trim/shaping and haircut for each of us. We will definitely be returning to Black Beard Barbershop during future visits to Bahrain!

  • en

    mehak sohail dawoodani


    My husband has very thick wavy hair and it’s really difficult to get a haorcut for him that suits his face and hair type. My husband got his haircut from this barbershop and they did a fantastic job. The haircut was amazing and their efforts and styling tips were very helpful. Would highly recommend this place.

  • Haseeb Naseer

    Haseeb Naseer


    Fantastic service. Great attention to detail. Very friendly. Well recommended. Will be a regular customer here in the future.

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