Bin Hindi Informatics Samsung customer service i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBin Hindi Informatics Samsung customer service



🕗 åbningstider

Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 8000 4726
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2338049, Longitude: 50.5940828

kommentar 5

  • Mike Kattil

    Mike Kattil


    Horrible customer service While the members of the staff were pleasant they did not even remotely try to solve my phone's problem. I bought my galaxy s8 last June and I could easily notice my calls (using viva) being very fuzzy and uninteligbile i went to the customer service in November told them what was wrong. They updated my software and told me it would be fixed. It wasn't I then went again in January told them I've been there before and the man told me that after my software update it would be fixed and that it wasn't he said he will do it again just to be sure and so he updated my software again for some reason and told me it would be fixed. It wasn't. then I went again this month to ask if there was anything they can do (as making calls is one of the main reasons i even bought a phone to begin with) they told me since the issue wasnt permanet (because it's something happens in long calls particulliarly any call longer than 5 minutes) they told me they'd run some tests and that was that all the test came back and it showed no problems so they won't do anything about it. So here I sit with a month left in my warranty knowing I can't make decent phone calls that last longer than 5 minutes after spending over 300 BHD to buy a new phone

  • Omar Haydar

    Omar Haydar


    Factory warranty service center for Samsung, also serves as a retail sales center. Ensure to back up your device before taking it in. Usually turns around service in 2-3 days. As with other warranty work unfortunately, you may have to push them for repair or replacement.

  • Fatima Madan

    Fatima Madan


    Service here with or without warranty is the worst. Technicians can't find the problem with your device until you pinpoint for them with a video. Also, this place needs to be relocated since the parking space is very limited and cannot accomodate most of the customers.

  • Abdulhadi Sabba

    Abdulhadi Sabba


    It is a service center for Samsung mobile

  • en

    Ehab Khaldi


    Professional company and awesome employees

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