Bahrain International Airport i Muharraq

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBahrain International Airport


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Muharraq, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 8000 7777
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2697119, Longitude: 50.6259871

kommentar 5

  • K. Johnson

    K. Johnson


    It is a nice little airport with good shops and food. Some gates do have a peculiar odor to them but nothing that is too ridiculous.

  • Haroon Navash

    Haroon Navash


    Bahrain International Airport its good for Transit passengers to spend time here they are having prayer halls also they are providing charging facilities and wifi we can have good shopping on Duty free shop at Bahrain Airport. It’s easy to find waiting hall here.

  • en

    Rebecca Andriya


    Bahrain is a really small country with an airport that is up to very high standards. You can land and be out of the airport in less than 10 minutes. That is how efficient they are. The departure area is rather overcrowded but everything is very organized. I have never had to stay in queue for longer than 5 minutes for anything.

  • Vikram Sai

    Vikram Sai


    Decent but small airport. Processing is done quickly even for international tourists. Separate counters for GCC citizens and others. Duty free is good. Souvenir collections are available at all range of prices. If you want to buy chocolates, you can purchase them outside cheaply. Wine collection is decent as well..

  • en

    Shiju George


    One of the most beautiful airport in have ever come across. Very fast immigration services. Very good customer care. Very good baggage handling systems. Well organized systems. Good passenger terminals. Flight announcement is great. Very fine duty free shops. Coffee and tea vending machines is very major attraction of this beautiful airport. Dedicated and professional staffs. Security check in is very fast and user friendly systems.

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