Bahrain City Center i Seef

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBahrain City Center


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Seef, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973
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Latitude: 26.2344667, Longitude: 50.5385333

kommentar 5

  • Vijay D'Souza

    Vijay D'Souza


    This is a big Mall!!! Make sure you have your walking shoes when entering. What a variety beautiful shops for every need. From beautiful souks, hotels and all the brand. I'm never a Mall person, but this Mall is something else. Its like an adult amusement park. Recommend to go and see and if you would like to shop its a bonus. They have better... Good prices, high quality everywhere you look around, fantastic place must visit if you go to Bahrain. Lovely location and great surroundings. I totally love this Mall...

  • en

    S7 Edge


    If you don't see city centre then you missed out the big thing in bahrain . Shopping food movies good offers

  • Khalil Ahmad

    Khalil Ahmad


    Nice place to shop

  • Zainab Faheem

    Zainab Faheem


    very clean, nice interiors, nice shops, always on top . recommend it!

  • en

    Thamimul Ansari


    Name is wrong in the label. It is a Seef Mall Bus Station and not a City Centre bus stop

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