Bahrain Aluminium Kitchen i Manama

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BahrainBahrain Aluminium Kitchen



🕗 åbningstider

Oman Avenue, Manama, BH Baréin
kontakter telefon: +973 1754 1212
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2126888, Longitude: 50.5769227

kommentar 5

  • en

    Moayed Almadan


    Good quality

  • naila rahil

    naila rahil


  • muhammad Qaiser

    muhammad Qaiser


  • nirmal sukumar

    nirmal sukumar


    Best place for Kitchen Utilities, German made Imported

  • Hussain Al-Khalaf

    Hussain Al-Khalaf


    This place is the place to go to have a modern super quality and best design in Bahrain for you kitchen. Places like this are counted only in one hand in Bahrain so having this in your list is just a must. Designs, Materials, Options, Accessories, Appliances and more are of the top notch here and you can miss anything. The only issue here is price, you can't have this quality and perfectness for cheap. If I can afford it I'll definitely go for it but prices are just too much for me and most of people. That doesn't mean you don't need to go there, you must as you'll get a very good idea of how a quality and a good design kitchen will look like and compare it to the cheap majority of other places, you will know the materials, designs, trends, appliances & other factors to consider... And If you can afford it.. do it and don't bother comparing to low cost places.

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