Bab al Bahrain Police Station i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainBab al Bahrain Police Station


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Al Khalifa Avenue, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1739 0590
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2337427, Longitude: 50.5756675

kommentar 4

  • en

    brez brez


    A Bahraini professor(non-Arab) was hit in the rear bumper by another car, after being directed into the inside lane by traffic signs, as the other lanes were blocked. This other car ought to have slowed down and given way as the Bahraini professor had the right of way and only the inside lane to turn into. Now, the Bahraini policeman perversely sided with the Arab Bahraini when the complaint was made, with both parties present, despite the Arab Bahraini having caused damage to the professor's car. This policeman also implied that the matter could be taken to court but the Arab Bahraini would still be favoured. I've described this incident because any Muslim and/or Arab police should be 'the last public service' or rather not at all, that should be the least involved in such racist corruption and reckless promotion of dangerous and malicious driving. This incident shames and discredits these Bahraini Arabs, and Bahraini public service, which has a long-standing Muslim heritage, but very disappointingly, seems unable to uphold such values in this instance.




  • prince 00014

    prince 00014


  • وليد الربيعة

    وليد الربيعة


    مركز تاريخي باقي إلى هذا الوقت

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