Awal Veterinary Center Bahrain i Al Markh

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAwal Veterinary Center Bahrain



🕗 åbningstider

Building 357,Block 529,Road 2911, Al Markh, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1779 1097
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.2120352, Longitude: 50.4782768

kommentar 4

  • en

    Rabab Maskati


  • ar

    نور الخالدي


    دكتور بيطري شاطر ولطيف

  • Zainab Tv

    Zainab Tv


  • Maryke Kennard

    Maryke Kennard


    I wish I didn't have to write this... I wish it didnt go this far... This vet is amazing with the animals, friendly, he knows how to treat them like animals should be treated... BUT I took my dog there... Problem was that his bark changed a lot and he was throwing up a few times a day. The vet said it was nothing and he should just eat some raw meat for a few days. A few days passed and we went back, this time he was put under anesthesia and his throat was checked out. Nothing was found except a small blockage which was pushed down and "cleared" A few days after this blockage was pushed down, Peanut died in surgery. The damage was too severe and cut through his airway as well. So I dont know if you killed my baby, but right now, it feels like if you put a little more attention into it or sent us for an xray... He would still be sleeping at our feet right now

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