AutoSpa Bahrain W.L.L. i Budaiya, Bahrain

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAutoSpa Bahrain W.L.L.



🕗 åbningstider

Building 18, Road 54, Block 505, Budaiya, Bahrain 505, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1759 5971
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2190253, Longitude: 50.4962174

kommentar 5

  • en

    yousif ebrahim


    Good place and good price

  • Abu Layla Al-A'mri

    Abu Layla Al-A'mri


    welcomed me with smile, and I explained my problem inside my car, I was just having my Frappuccino Caramel & Ice latte from Starbucks 😎 then a problem happened and all of the caramel and liquids splattered all over inside the car even ceiling, they understood and told me they can do it, 10-15 minutes and they were done, also with smile told me that they were done and my car is ready, thanks for the great service, quick time and everything.

  • Fatima Madan

    Fatima Madan


    Workers changed. Service changed. They applied liquid into the rear camera while polishing my car (it was an accident of course) but it blurred the rear view and sometimes it disconnected as a blue screen appeared on when reversing. When asked about it at the front desk, they answered with (Why didn't you tell us before leaving the place?) - As if there was a reason to shift the gear to reverse during that time.. I'm never going there again and don't recommend it.

  • maha barakat

    maha barakat


    Friendly service and great attention to detail. They have the right equipment even for the dirtiest of cars.

  • taimour raouf

    taimour raouf


    Great place to detail a car, just don't take your bike there

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