Ashrafs i Manama

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Road No 1805, Manama, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1753 4439
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Latitude: 26.2351673, Longitude: 50.5883319

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mohammed Nasser


    I bought sencor air fryer from seef branch. After opening it out of box I found it used and dirty. I have to drive twice from riffa to seef. The salesman is not taking any responsibilities. I need clarification. I have images.

  • Sonu Singh

    Sonu Singh


    The best place to have a jenvin electronic products

  • AbdulKhaliq Ismael

    AbdulKhaliq Ismael


    A very big electronic store with many well-known brands. Kitchen equipment and some furniture available on the second floor. In general the store is expensive.

  • Bader AlShafei

    Bader AlShafei


    Some salesman there r very annoying. U go to buy product X. He tells u to go for product Y... and u didnt even ask for his help. U tell him leave me alone. He comes back and says the same stuff. Hahah. Also. Never buy from city center branch. They wanted to sell me the same exact tv for Bd 500 more!!! Hahah. I was going to kill that salesman for wanting to steal not 1 nor 2 hundred. But 5!!! Reported it straight to their manager. I hope the philipino at city has been fired..

  • Michael Bushehri

    Michael Bushehri


    This shop is best for sony electronics i used to shop there with my family when i was a child

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