Apollo Club Bahrain i Juffair

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainApollo Club Bahrain



🕗 åbningstider

Building.670 Road.2411 Block.324, Alsafir Hotel & Tower, Juffair, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 3362 9243
internet side: www.apolloclubbahrain.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.217263, Longitude: 50.604692

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kashir Imtiaz



  • en

    mohmmed nasr


    Very bad DJ bad drinks mix with water

  • Mohamed Soudy

    Mohamed Soudy


    Crazy night is on , you should let yourself and fly with the wind Yaaaaaaaaaap that’s it

  • Faisal Raad

    Faisal Raad


    Amazing place .. I recommend everyone who loves music and night life to experience Apollo Club

  • Rami Saeed

    Rami Saeed


    I was in Apollo for the new year Eve. It was very hot when it got crowded inside and we started sweating. We bought tickets online and it clearly said ladies get free entrance before 11 pm but by the gate they asked us to pay 15 BHD for my girl. I was disappointed. And for the new year eve the main DJ that we paid for should be there before the count down not after 12.30 am !!! Seriously guys a lot to work out in this club. I've been to many clubs around the world and I'd say I was disappointed by this club.

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