Almoayyed Furnishing i Manama

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BahrainAlmoayyed Furnishing



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Manama, Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1740 0004
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Latitude: 26.207544, Longitude: 50.5416407

kommentar 5

  • Ayman K.

    Ayman K.


    Good place for home, office furniture and more, they're the distributors of SpringWall mattresses, these are one of the best if not the best mattresses that you could ever buy here, they are used in 5 stars hotels, I would definitely recommend paying them a visit especially if you're looking for a decent mattress, also I'd recommend following their Instagram account to be updated once they have Sale or promotions

  • shiva prasad

    shiva prasad


    I liked it

  • en

    Swati Iyer


    The staff that takes the phone calls is extremely rude. She told me that the day would go by if she had to tell me the prices of the products I was asking for. She kept stressing on visiting the showroom while I was calling from Dubai. GREAT SERVICE NOT.

  • Hussain Arab

    Hussain Arab


    You can find v.good quality furnature and lots of offers on electronics

  • en

    fatima alradhi


    Nice staff, went in to have a look after seeing they had a sale. Impressive collection of good quality furniture, they have home appliances as well

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