Al Areen Palace & Spa i Southern Governorate

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Areen Palace & Spa



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kontakter telefon: +973 1784 5000
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Latitude: 26.0021953, Longitude: 50.5187175

kommentar 5

  • Siyad Salim

    Siyad Salim


    Good resort and spa. Each villa has a pool Nice experience. Hotel staff are very friendly and helpful. Good for family.

  • Abdullah Ahmad

    Abdullah Ahmad


    Super clean place and nice service furniture was a bit old. Breakfast was great with reasonable variety. Staff was very friendly. Check-out service was interesting experience as you don't need to visit the reception and they give you the option to do it in the Villa it in the parking lot

  • hussain aljufairi

    hussain aljufairi


    Great food from the saffron restaurant, khaliji and Indian cuisine. Nice vibes and atmosphere and great service from both the head waiter and chef!! Highly recommended!

  • John Lemon

    John Lemon


    Excellent resort and spa. Each villa has a pool and built in sauna bathtub and Jacuzzi. Crazy experience. Hotel staff are very friendly and helpful, to the point where I made a friend, Omar from Housekeeping, extremely friendly and very polite. Respect and love. Special thanks to Omar from Housekeeping and Dhilan from Room Service.

  • Supriya Gandhi

    Supriya Gandhi


    Awesome hotel. Professional staff. The welcome and the farewell was exceptional. The kids enjoyed the kids club. We had an awesome time in the span. See u soon

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