Al Anwar Discount Center i Tubli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAl Anwar Discount Center



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Road No 1114, Tubli, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1787 4141
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 26.197684, Longitude: 50.558413

kommentar 5

  • Mantu Kalim

    Mantu Kalim


    Best for household and home decor items including plants and all. Their price is among best in Bahrain.

  • Rian Wisandanu

    Rian Wisandanu


    The best place to get all household items in a very cheap price. All items are china made. We love the stationary parts since it's very complete and cheap. Also the variety of plastic container for food.

  • en

    Marwan Al Meer


    Alanwar is one of the most popular and historic places in Bahrain. It’s opened ever since i was a young lad. This place offers anything you could ever ask for except for food. Everything is very cheap at a moderate quality output! The only downfall is that some of the products is of big quantity and cannot buy only 1 product. Parking space is available so there is never a worry about finding a park

  • Christina Mary

    Christina Mary


    Great store, have everything you could want. Go in for 5 minutes come out a couple of hours later. wonderful.

  • Sushma Nair

    Sushma Nair


    A place where u can find stuffs at a very reasonable prices . They have everything for your child's school purpose. All ur birthday decoration materials. Now they have even started the food stuff. On first floor they have home decor things. Some very beautiful clocks. They have der own parking. And as u go inside u can grab some tasty cup corns.

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