Ansar Gallery Shopping Mall i Tubli

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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BahrainAnsar Gallery Shopping Mall



🕗 åbningstider

Avenue 13, Tubli, BH Bahrain
kontakter telefon: +973 1714 0000
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.1961359, Longitude: 50.5452477

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nelson DeMenezes


    Ansar gallery is the best store for the common man, huge selection, good offers. Store should promote discounts on Raymond's pant pieces, and let customers know through i offerbh. Nelson

  • Abdul R Mondal

    Abdul R Mondal


    If you have value of your time don’t purchase anything from them. Once u face any issues they will not care of you .. I bought 2 laptop One is there’s keyboard issues I come back to them they didn’t help me. they send me service center and told u have to get report from easily they can see there’s keyboard issues and they should be replace it,even i didn’t use it .. I waste my time 8 days for only get it replace

  • Haroon Navash

    Haroon Navash


    It’s good for shopping at supermarket but it’s really congested to shop during the weekends but products sold by them are really cheaper and good. They are having vast area for car parking also they use to offer free gift vouchers and giving everyone prices monthly basis

  • en

    Muhammad Bilal


    A good place if you looking for household stuff on a bargain including furniture, electrical equipment and decoration. Don't get too carried away seeing the low price on only few things since on others you might be paying more as compared to offerings on other outlets. Information is the key, I myself was about to buy some electronics considering them to be cheaper at Ansar Gallery but found it for much less on Extra. Over all a wonderful outlet for everthing you could imagine for your house.

  • Abdulrahman Almokla

    Abdulrahman Almokla


    Not a place I would go to for my shopping fix I went there to check the place out because I've heard that it has some good deals and prices are good. First, the offering. Nothing new at all everything you find there can be found in the big shopping malls. The place's strength should be the prices, but unfortunately because of the display setup and the amount of people there I couldn't get myself to check them or spend more time in the place. For those with high tolerance it could be a good place to shop if the prices are low as people say. And that's why I'm giving it a 2 because it could be a good place but not for me

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